positive behavior support

Technical Assistance and Mentoring

PBS provides technical assistance and mentoring to help professionals and teams find solutions for challenging behaviors. This consists of providing remote guidance and feedback to professionals conducting functional behavior assessments and developing behavior support plans or leading team brainstorming activities. When an individual who is already receiving behavior support services requests individual assistance, we will work with the individual’s team to provide technical assistance and mentoring.

Eligibility Requirements:

Be a professional in WV that serves individuals with an Intellectual / Developmental Disability, Traumatic Brain Injury and/or Serious Emotional Disorders.

Professionals Apply Here:

Please complete the following form(s) to apply for these services.


If you are seeking services for yourself or are the guardian of the individual eligible for services, please also complete the following form:

Release of Info to Receive Services

If you are seeking services for yourself or are the guardian of the individual eligible for services and would like for us to work directly with an agency or school, please also complete the following form:

Release of Info to External Agency