Adverse Childhood Experiences
Join us for the 3-part series in ACES, Adverse Childhood Experiences. This free online training is provided by the WV ACES Coalition. This training is held over the course of three days. All three sessions must be attended consecutively. Aimed to provide an overview of ACES, prevention, and resiliency, this training is geared for professionals to enhance their skills.
After attending the three sessions, you will be able to:
- Understand what ACES is and the impact it has on children and adults, including how COVID-19 may impact ACEs
- Become familiar with the 10 types of ACES and the basic brain science behind it
- Introduce ways to overcome ACES
- Introduce steps individuals, families, schools, and providers can do to prevent ACES
- Learn ways to teach resiliency
- Understand variables related to resilience; protective factors; and safe, stable and nurturing relationships and environments
- Provides brief overview of impact of trauma
- Learn to identify some of the root causes of ACES
- Identify best practices for preventing ACES
- Identify what you and your organization can do to prevent ACES
Online Training Information:
February 11,12,13, 2025
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EST
Training Location:
Zoom Meeting (a link for accessing will be sent upon registration)
For questions or help filling out the form, please call 855-558-4296 or email pbs@hsc.wvu.edu.
Registration is closed.