Creating Interventions Workshop
Please join us for the PBS Creating Interventions Workshop to discuss aspects of translating functional behavior assessment information into positive behavioral support interventions. Participants will share skills in a solution circle format for the last half of the training to learn from each other and encourage application of the knowledge learned. This training is geared for professionals to enhance their skills.
After attending, you will be able to:
- Review behavior assessment forms to establish purpose of challenging behavior.
- Utilize a hypothesis statement to create example Quality of Life, proactive, reactive, and replacement behavior interventions.
- Identify best practices and appropriate uses for visual strategies.
- Identify four types of sentences contained in social stories.
2 Social Work CEU is available for this training.
Online Training Information:
Zoom Meeting (a link for accessing will be sent upon registration)
Date: September 19, 2024
Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
For questions or help filling out the form, please call 855-558-4296 or email pbs@hsc.wvu.edu.
Registration is now close.