positive behavior support

Writing Positive Behavior Support Plans

Register for Writing Positive Behavior Support Plans

Join us for Writing Positive Behavior Support Plans. This free in person, hands on training will prepare participants with an underlying understanding of PBS to create individualized Positive Behavior Support Plans for the people they serve.

Participants will create a plan during the training and go through steps to create interventions. Components of the PBSP include changing the environment to create proactive, quality of life, and reactive interventions. We will discuss how to develop, teach and reinforce functionally equivalent replacement behaviors.

This training is for providers with an in-depth knowledge of PBS philosophies, are able to conduct Functional Behavior Assessments and work with individuals with complex needs.

After attending you will be able to:

  • Develop proactive strategies to help someone identify individual calming techniques and use them independently.
  • Create a functionally equivalent replacement behavior.
  • Create strategies in the 8 dimensions of wellness to improve quality of life.
  • Develop individualized positive behavior support interventions based on the person’s interests.

Training Information

April 9th 2025 10am - 3pm

Must attend the entire time.

Training Location: CED North
959 Hartman Run Rd. Morgantown WV, 26501
2nd floor conference room

For questions or help filling out the form, please call 855-558-4296 or email pbs@hsc.wvu.edu.

Register for Writing Positive Behavior Support Plans